This was the best solution to most of the buggy driver issues I experienced on the first attempts to install and get the Xerox 6515 unit up and running acceptably on all of my equipment. I used the Windows Device Services to add the unit to all of my machines here after completely removing all of the problematic xerox drivers and files from my machines. Oh and for other posters seeking some solutions to problems encountered with driver issues. the total lack of any interest in providing support or a solution to this and other problems tells me I was wrong. This was a replacement for a 9 year old HP CMF1312 NPI, and abosulutely no match for it! I made the decision to purchase the xerox 6515 thinking it was a business class machine, backed by a reputable business class company. I am going to return the unit under the retailer's 30 day satisfaction policy and buy another Hewlette Packard unit who's units have always set up, performed easily and worked as advertised out of the box. I'm not going to screw with days and days of nonfunctionality and poor customer support. In short this unit is the biggest unable to deliver on promised services and functions unit I have ever owned and the complete lack of help from xerox makes it a really bad purchase.

Yes, have the same problem as many other posting users are having along with a few other network communications problems. Seeing this problem being posted and ignorred by xerox "support" alot. Wow!! I just purchase4d this 6515 unit last week, finally put it inservive yesterday.